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Balance & Energy, Pt. 3 The Interaction

by June Kaminski, MSN

Our energy blends with the energy of our environment. There are ways that we can tap the enriching and healing energy of nature to boost our own internal energy and balance.

Boost Your Negative Ions

It is very invigorating to allow yourself to experience negative ions as much as possible. Negative ions are plentiful in Nature, especially near:
  • Crashing ocean waves
  • Waterfalls
  • Pine forests
  • Mountain peaks
  • Large rocks and boulders
Negative ions help you by reducing fatigue, invigorating you, and raising the resilence of your body.

Positive ions are also plentiful in our society. They should be avoided as much as possible. Positive ions are emitted from:

  • Plastic materials
  • Poorly ventilated buildings
  • Synthetic building materials
  • Warm, dry, winds such as Chinooks
Positive ions amplify interpersonal conflicts, increase susceptability to colds and infections, and trigger anxiety, depression, and mental instability.

Walking Your Energy

When you are tired or stressed, you can restore your balance by simply taking a walk, preferably in nature. Walking stimulates both sides of your brain, strengthens your free - flowing energy, and stimulates your inner rhythms.

Try walking like the wind - moving lightly,easily, and naturally shifting your weight from left to right. As you walk, see your body as a hollow tube through which energy flows freely - unblocked and unimpeded. See this hollow tube full of brilliant glowing healing energy bringing balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit. See this energy extend beyond your body through every cell of your being surrounding you with a rich vibrant rainbow of pure colors. This rainbow extends outward to all around you. Your very being enriches the world as you do this!

There is almost no limit to the power of your vital energy once it is harnessed. It can be stored, projected, manipulated, or sent over long distances to heal or support. Think of your body as a sheath of vibrant energy.

Flow with Life and Love - be a Pool of Refreshment and Vigor for yourself and all that cross your path. Gather your Power, your Energy, and your Intent - project it fully out into the Cosmos and watch - it will be recognized, acknowledged and manifested!!

Part 1: Balance & Energy - The Essence
Part 2: Balance & Energy - The Chakras

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